Well with all the wet weather we have been having and being housebound for 3 days i have fired up the dye pots for a June 1 update, stock is now previewing at Knot Your Nanna's Knits on Yarn Collective.

Mmmmmmm..... fibre...........(FO's and FIP (fibre in process)
My drop spindle - with some delicious Ixchel Bunny Angorino on it
and finally my keys and purse - i never leave the house with out either of these - love my little Yoda keyring :)
First Prize in Hand Spinning - Super wash Merino which i recieved in a swap from Molly (madradish) . Chain (navajo) Plied.
Second Prize handspinning - super coils - bracken ridge from EGMTK
The famed lamby pants - only a highly commended but enetirely my own stupid fault why because i forgot to weave in 1 end :(
The infamous unwoven end :(